Friday, August 15, 2008

These are a few of my camp palls playing a game.... its really fun i don t know what its called, but its where every one gets a paper  pen and you write something on the top[ like a dog was chasing his tail and ate a fly] then once every one has there s done you pass the paper to the right. So say you got something that said Santa Clause got and apple computer from Miss. Clause on Christmas day.  You would try to draw a picture of that.  Once every ones done you would pass that paper to the right but, make sure that the letters are covered up by folding the paper over the words. Then you would pass the paper and have a paper this time there would be a picture on it and you would try to make some thing out of it by writing words under the picture! And once the your paper comes back to you, you unfold the paper and reread what you wrote and what the other players made out of it...... its really fun and funny... you and your family should try it some time :* 

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